January 13, 2016
Krasnodar again joined the ranks of cities with a high quality of life of its populationJanuary 12, 2016
Construction of the flat glass processing workshop is being performed in the Dinskaya district of the Krasnodar regionJanuary 11, 2016
Kanevskaya district proposes to implement a large investment project in the field of the processing industryJanuary 4, 2016
Kanevskaya district proposes to implement a profitable investment project in the consumer’s market sphereJanuary 1, 2016
Kanevskaya district of the Krasnodar region proposes an investment project in the fisheries industryDecember 14, 2015
Kuban Entered the Top Three of the Ranking of the Investment Attractiveness of Russian RegionsDecember 11, 2015
An action plan for development of balneological resources is being prepared in KubanDecember 10, 2015
Authorities are ready to consider a possibility of tax priviledge for agrarians in the Krasnodar regionDecember 8, 2015
Krasnodar region became a leader of the national ranking of the tourist attractionDecember 4, 2015
“Kubanskiy bekon” is a winner of the international competition “Product of the year 2015” of WorldFood MoscowDecember 3, 2015
Krasnodar region is ready to consider providing additional tax benefits to investorsDecember 2, 2015
Sugar factories of Kuban have produced over 1 million tons of beet sugarNovember 30, 2015
Budget revenues of Krasnodar region totalled 194.4 billion rubles in the year 2016November 30, 2015
Agroholding “Kuban” and french company “Maisadour Semence” intend to create a ño-brandNovember 25, 2015
For the third time «Rosa khutor” has been recognized as the best ski resort of Russia